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About Us

Ipsum lorem ad sea, in reque bonorum definiebas mei Ius causae

About Us

PHI Cubed is a full-service Building Information Modeling & Management (BIM) consulting firm, based on the power of CATIA and the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. In a building industry that is globalizing and industrializing, we offer the complete solution to Building Lifecycle Management (BLM). A process that allows companies to work in 3-D, in real time, across a distributed network, in the most integrated and immersive environment available. Through the design, build, operate phase of a project, PHI Cubed manages the information for the building lifecycle.

We integrate people, projects, and process for the most interoperable solution available today. With a “build it right the first-time†methodology, our clients now have a repeatable process that makes error-free construction a real possibility in the AEC industry for a more sustainable business practice. Via our common data environment, our files now have a common network that allows you to collaborate, innovate and co-author projects with a life like digital experience. PHI cubed is a partner of Dassault Systemes, HP Computers, HTC Vive, & 3DCONNEXION.

PHI Cubed Is an ancient mathematical construct associated with sacred geometry, the Holy Trinity, The Golden Section and the creative force in the universe. We have adopted PHI Cubed (PHI to the third power) as a metaphor for the industry transformation we aim to achieve.  PHI Cubed’s goal is for the AEC industry to operate as a globally integrated Enterprise. PHI (Φ) the golden number 1.618  is the ratio, or proportion, determined by Phi (1.618 …).  PHI was known to the Greeks as the “dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio†and to Renaissance artists as the “Divine Proportion.† It is also called the Golden Section, Golden Ratio and the Golden Mean.

Alienum phaedrum torquatos.

Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat.

Eius lorem tincidunt vixat.

In theology PHI is Unity, all things contained in one. Nothing exists outside of the whole. At PHI Cubed we take this metaphor of unity as inspiration to solve one of the most complex problems in the AEC industry, the management of information. At the root of all problems is a communication breakdown, part of this failure is generated from historically dissociated information, or fragmented silod work flows. Figuratively, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. PHI Cubed corrects this problem by providing a common data platform, (the 3DExperience Platform) that transcends offices, disciplines, phases, and geographical boundaries. Where information is managed, shared and globally accessible in real time, in the universal language of 3D.

Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat.

Eius lorem tincidunt vixat.

Alienum phaedrum torquatos.

PHI squared (Φ2) represents the concept of ideation. Where all things created begin as a flat formless idea in the mind’s eye of the creator. In an integrated way, from the concept phase, all information about an idea, a project, a product, a process or any other innovation needed to be captured, shared, managed and/or developed can be done so on the 3DExperience Platform, your innovation platform, through the entire project development.

Alienum phaedrum torquatos.

Eius lorem tincidunt vixat.

Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat.

Our Story

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A close up of the side of a building